Sonoma County Fairgrounds Shelter

large animal evacuation


If you need assistance evacuating your animals, please call the following:
Animal Services - 8am-5:30pm: 707-293-8408
After Hours:
Non-Declared Emergency Animal Boarding at the Fairgrounds: Debbie Townsend 707-293-8408
Sheriff's Dispatch: 707-565-2121
Sonoma CART: 707-861-0699
Sonoma CART Hotline: 707-861-0699


In the event that the Sonoma County Fairgrounds has been designated an evacuation site for animals please see the following directions.

Horses and livestock animals should be brought into the Fairgrounds through Gate 7 off of Aston Ave.

For animal evacuation information, please use the links below:


  • Make sure animals have halters, lead ropes and water buckets.
  • Make sure animals are identified. If your animal does not have their name on its halter, put duct tape on it with its name and your phone number or write your phone number on the animal.
  • If you have time, please load some feed on your trailers. While you may have feed delivered to the Fairgrounds, its delivery can be delayed if roads and highways are closed.
  • Pack general first aid supplies, such as antiseptic ointments and bandaging materials.

When your animals arrive at our facility, the driver of each vehicle hauling will be required to fill out an Emergency Evacuation Information package and Animal Care Check List form for each animal. In order to save valuable time we recommend you print these forms and fill in your information before your animals are evacuated. These forms include a map of the Fairgrounds.

Our staff and volunteers will do their best to get the trailers into the barn areas quickly and get the animals unloaded and into stalls. Passenger vehicles may be diverted to park other areas. This will be done to facilitate the sheltering of your animals so trailers and vans may leave as quickly as possible to pick up more animals.


Partnership Program

Sonoma County Fair is your answer to creative marketing. With a per capita income well above the state average and a highly diverse population, Sonoma County is a key market, perfect for any number of products; the Sonoma County Fair provides a unique opportunity to reach these consumers.