Scholarship Opportunities


Sonoma County Fair Flower Show Scholarship


Application Due: 5:00 pm, Friday, May 31st
The Sonoma County Fair & Exposition Inc. will offer the following scholarships to students who have graduated from high school and are planning to attend college in the fall. Eligibility is limited to individuals pursuing a degree in an agricultural related enterprise.
1. Scholarships ranging from $1,000.00 + each will be available to students who will be attending a 4-year college in the fall of 2024
2. Scholarships ranging from $250.00 to $500.00 each will be available to students who will be attending Santa Rosa Junior College in the fall of 2024
These scholarships are open to any student whose family resides in Sonoma or Marin Counties.
Applications are available at the Fairgrounds Entry Office or Completed applications are due in the Entry Office of the Sonoma County Fair by 5:00 p.m., Friday, May 31. Completed applications may be emailed to
Money for these scholarships is generated from the Flower Show Preview. Recipients must be present at the Hall of Flowers Preview (Wednesday, July 31) to receive scholarship money. Recipients will be limited to a maximum of two times to receive any scholarship.


The Arthur “Big Boy” & Catherine “Honey” Kunde Memorial Award


$5,000.00 Cash Award
Application Due: 5:00 pm, Friday, May 31st
The Richard M. Kunde and Saralee McClelland Kunde Trust will award a $5,000 scholarship. This award is in memory of his parents, long time agriculturalists and vineyard operators in the Kenwood and Glen Ellen area. Rules for the award are as follows:
A) Applicant must be a junior livestock exhibitor at the current year Sonoma County Fair.
B) No age requirements.
C) A resident of Sonoma or Marin County.
D) Applicant must fill out application.
Award based on:
Need .......................................................................... 50%
Project interest and extra curricular activities...................... 30%
Desire to preserve Sonoma County Agriculture................... 20%
Completed applications are due and must be in the Entry Office of the Sonoma County Fair by 5:00 p.m., Friday, May 31st. Applicants will be notified of interview day and time. Applicants must be in full uniform at time of interview. Record Books (optional) may be brought with you to the interview. The winner will receive notification by mail and award will be presented at the Awards Program.

Farm Bureau Foundation Gold Cup Award

The Farm Bureau Foundation of Sonoma County will present an award to the outstanding exhibitor at the 2024 Sonoma County Fair. The Gold Cup Award is based on leadership, citizenship, character, project work, academic achievement, speaking ability, participation and performance at the 2024 Sonoma County Fair. The award includes a $2,500 check for the winner of the Gold Cup Award. Additionally, there is a $500 cash award to the recipient’s 4-H Club or FFA Chapter. Applicants must be a resident of Sonoma or Marin County, an exhibitor at the 2024 Sonoma County Fair and a high school senior or college freshman. Applicants must be members of 4-H or FFA. A completed application and two letters of recommendation must be turned into the Farm Bureau office. Interviews with finalists will be held before the fair’s opening. Finalists will be notified about the time and date of their interview. The winner of the Gold Cup Award will be announced at the Sunday Awards Program. Further information and the Gold Cup application is available by calling 544-5575 or online at


Deborah Stirling Memorial Award


$500 Cash Award
Applications Due: Friday, May 31st
A strong supporter of youth in agriculture, Deborah Stirling served on the Sonoma County Fair Board of Directors for many years and was president in 2002. Deborah loved fairtime deeply. She understood how much hard work went into the exhibits, as she was a long-time 4-H leader and also a creator of beautiful needlework. Friends described Deborah as a “force of nature.” She overcame many challenges in her life and taught herself many of the skills she used to succeed. The recipient of this $500 scholarship will be:
• A recently graduated high school senior
• Someone who is showing both livestock and still exhibits in the current year’s Sonoma County Fair
• Someone who puts forth hard work in the face of adversity
• A strong leader Award sponsored by Keith Stirling, Nathalee Stirling Ghafouri and Shaun Ghafouri.

The Alvin “Babe” & Bernetta Tesconi Memorial Award


$300.00 Cash Award & Belt Buckle
Application Due: Friday, August 9 by 8:00 p.m.
Alvin “Babe” & Bernetta Tesconi raised their six children on a small farm in west Santa Rosa where they raised beef cattle, sheep, 4-H replacement heifers and an occasional hog or two.
This award is sponsored by their children; Tim, Teena, Ted, Terri, Tawny and Traci and their families. It is given in their memory to recognize the youth exhibitor that has diversified their involvement in the Fair by exhibiting at least two species of animals and non livestock exhibits. Previous winners are not eligible. Interested exhibitors should complete the one-page Award Application and submit it to the Entry Office by Friday, August 9 at 8:00 p.m. This will be awarded to the All-Around Outstanding Exhibitor based on a point system. Winner will be announced at the Awards Program.


The 2024 Miss Wine Country Rodeo Pageant Application is available now and due by 5:00 p.m. on April 5th, 2024. Completed applications should be emailed to the Entry Office.
The Pageant will take place on Saturday, May 4th.
All California residents, age 17-25 are eligible to participate.

Partnership Program

Sonoma County Fair is your answer to creative marketing. With a per capita income well above the state average and a highly diverse population, Sonoma County is a key market, perfect for any number of products; the Sonoma County Fair provides a unique opportunity to reach these consumers.