Information for Horsemen


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August 2-4, August 9-11, August 16-18
Saturday & Sunday Post Time - 1:45 pm
Friday Post Time - 2:15 pm

1350 Bennett Valley Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95404


Racing Office: (707) 284-4484
Paymaster: (707) 545-4200 ext. 227;
Main Office: (707) 545-4200

Horsemen's Hotline
(707) 284-4484 - Call between 8:00 am to 3:00 pm on Race Days

(707) 284-4484

Overnight E-mail Distribution
Email request to

How do I get to the Fairgrounds?
Click here for detailed directions.

Where is the racing office?
The racing office is located adjacent to the quarter chute. Take Aston Avenue Gate 7. click here.

Which gate should I enter to park?
Owners with in-today horses enter Aston Avenue Gate 7 and will be directed to designated parking area. All other horsemen park in parking lot next to Aston Avenue RV Lot. Valid CHRB license required for parking. click here.

Do you have a map of the Fairgrounds?
Click here for a printable map of the Fairgrounds.

What is the CHRB license/pass policy for admission?
The holder of a valid CHRB license and one guest can receive free admission daily when you present your license at the admission gate. If you present your license in the Racing office, you will receive two additional passes. The owner of an in-today horse will receive four admission passes to the Fair. Tickets are distributed in the Racing Office on race days between the hours of 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

What admission gate do I use to access the Fairgrounds and is there shuttle service available from the parking lot to the Racing Grandstand?
Use the walkthrough gate directly across from the Aston Avenue RV Lot parking area. Shuttle service is available from that area to the Racing Grandstand.

Is there special seating in the Grandstand for the horsemen?
Yes. The upper level Grandstand near the Paddock is reserved for CHRB licensees. Seating tickets are available from the lower gate attendant at the bottom level, south end (paddock end) of the grandstand.

Who do I call if I have a horse in a stakes race and need special accommodations?
Please call Stacey Lapham (707) 320-3382 or email

Where can I pick up my winning photos?
Winning photos can be picked up from the track photographer Bill Vassar of Vassar Photography. Bill's office is located at the southern end of the Grandstand, first floor near the restrooms. Bill can be reached at (925) 980-6453 or by e-mail at

Where can I pick up my winning race video and order duplicate videos?
Your DVD's can be picked up at the video production truck behind the grandstand next to Showcase Cafe. Additional videos can also be ordered there.

How do I obtain or renew my CHRB license?
The California Horse Racing Board (CHRB) has a licensing office at Santa Rosa adjacent to the Jock's Room and next to the Paddock area. Licensing hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on race days and their number is (707) 284-4475.

How do I contact the Paymaster of Purses?
The Paymaster can be reached at (707) 545-4200 x 348 (during the racemeet) or email


Take advantage of our affordable and convenient RV Park!

Check out our list of local hotels within 5 miles of the Fairgrounds.

Partnership Program

Sonoma County Fair is your answer to creative marketing. With a per capita income well above the state average and a highly diverse population, Sonoma County is a key market, perfect for any number of products; the Sonoma County Fair provides a unique opportunity to reach these consumers.