Farmers Day Program
It’s Not Just For Farmers!
SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 at 3 p.m. in the Warm-Up Arena
You don't have to be a farmer to go to the Farmers Day events at the Sonoma County Fair! It's an afternoon of events that are fast, fun, sometimes hilarious, and always educational, especially for the urbanites among us. The Petaluma Junior Riding Club will perform, and Miss Wine Country Rodeo Ava McCarthy will demonstrate her skills and meet fairgoers.
Competitive Events for Kids include:
Kids add their boots to a pile, then head to the starting line. At the signal, they race to the pile, find their boots and race back. Fastest kid wins! (Limit: 50)
Young participants and their stick horses will be judged on their western attire, decoration of the stick horse and performance. (No limit.)
Little kids hang on for the ride of their life as they climb aboard a sheep and ride into the arena! The James W. Bertolini Memorial Award (belt buckle) will be awarded for the best ride. (Limit: 20)
For Grown-up Farmers:
New this year! Cheer on your favorite team of two as they compete to be the fastest to move 20 balls from the arena to the back of their truck and race to the finish line! (Limit: Four teams of 2)
To enter a contest:
Sign up at the Entry Office before the Fair. Entries will be accepted until events are full.
For details, call (707) 545-4203.
Entry Forms available now: Mutton Bustin | Boot Scramble | Hay Hustle | Stick Horse Competition
All participants must check-in at the ticket booth in the Chis Beck Arena between 12 and 12:30. If you are interested in participating you may also sign up for certain events at this time.

Our Rodeo Queen will lead a "stick horse" drill with youngsters 5 - 9 years old. Watch these kids master the art of riding a stick horse and not get bucked off! At 12 noon, the first 25 kids that arrive at the Chris Beck Arena Box Office will receive a free stick-horse to ride in the grand entry, sponsored by Lindley Cattle Company. Blue Ribbons will be awarded to all home-made horses!
Petaluma Riding & Driving Club
Mounted Drill Team to Perform for Farmers Day Program
The Petaluma Junior Riding Club has a long history at the Sonoma County Fair. Formed in 1946, the club was designed as a place for kids to learn about horsemanship, sportsmanship and friendship. Many families have participated for generations. The Club has performed at the Fair Farmers Day Program many times over the years.
This year, the PJRC Hearts and Hooves drill team will represent their club at the Sonoma County Fair. This group of riders has grown as a team, putting in the hours and hard work necessary to improve, and benefitting from the tradition, skills, and and love they have received from coaches, parents, and other riders. The Farmers Day crowd will see the results.