Fairtime Contests & Events -- 2024

 This is your chance to take center stage! Blow a giant bubblegum bubble, build a LEGO creation, make a milk mustache or show the world how much you and your mother look alike.

Any fairgoer old enough to stand on stage on their own is welcome in almost all contests, but check the schedule for some that are particularly friendly to the youngest. All contests are free to participants with Fair admission. Everyone gets a special commemorative ribbon, and winners often get free Fair food or novelties donated by Fair vendors, or maybe some circus treats. .

Contest Tips: Plan to arrive at least 5 minutes before the start for most contests. Some contests have limits, but others like Human SCREAM/Circus ROAR are open to all who show up on time. For many contests, you can't enter if you arrive after we start. All contests except the Grape Stomp are free to enter, but there may be age restrictions.

Play in the Slide Whistle Band!

Who Can Enter?   Open to all fairgoers
When & Where?
Aug. 3–3 p.m.–Circus Stage
Aug. 4–3:30 p.m.–Circus Stage
Aug. 6–6 p.m.–Family Fun Stage
Aug. 7–6:15 p.m.–Family Fun Stage
Aug. 8–2 p.m.–Circus Stage
Aug. 8–3:30 p.m.–Family Fun Stage

This year’s Fair is all about the circus, and we need a circus band!  We are forming the largest amateur slide whistle band Sonoma County has ever seen. Musical experience is not required, you don’t need to be able to read music, or even carry a tune.  We provide the slide whistles, and In just a few short minutes, you will be playing music. 

Just show up at the time listed, from Aug. 3 through Aug. 9, and you can be a part of the band. Funnyman Henrik Bothe, the leader of the band, promises to teach each group of fairgoers to play a song. He’s been practicing his technique and will entertain us all with his skills playing more than one whistle at a time.

Hey Barbie, Come Have Fun at the Fair!

You’re invited to dress in your favorite pink outfit and come celebrate Barbie at the Fair on Thursday, Aug. 8. Bring Barbie (or Ken) if you want to have them join in the fun. All events are open to Barbie fans of all ages, so don’t make the mistake of thinking you are too old or too young.  The day will be filled with fun activities and contests, a party with pink cake and other surprises.

Barbie Day Events – Aug. 8

Make A Weird Barbie
Who Can Enter?   Open to all fairgoers
When? Aug. 8 – 2-4 p.m.
Where?  Shade Park
Contestants choose a used Barbie from our collection, and using the materials provided, transform it into an official ‘weird Barbie.’ Special prizes will be awarded to outstanding weird Barbies. To participate, go to ‘Barbie Central’ in Shade Park–look for lots of pink!
 (If you have any used Barbies or clothes to contribute, bring them along!)
Barbie & Ken Look-Alike Contest
Who Can Enter?   Open to all fairgoers
When? Aug. 8 – 2:45 p.m.
Where?  Family Fun Stage
You can enter as a Barbie Look-Alike or a Ken Look-Alike.  There will also be a division for ‘any other’ Barbie character. So if you want to enter as President Barbie, Supreme Court Justice Barbie, just plan your wardrobe accordingly. Sign up at the stage on the day of the contest, no later than 5 minutes before the start.
Barbie High Heel Races
Who Can Enter?   Open to all fairgoers
When? Aug. 8 – 4:15 p.m.
Where?  Family Fun Stage
For this contest, you run down the street (not too far!) in high heels. Bring heels if you have them, and we will round up some extras for those who don’t have any with them that day. Sign up at the stage on the day of the contest, no later than 5 minutes before the start.
Barbie Movie Team Trivia
Who Can Enter?   Open to all fairgoers
When? Aug. 8 – 6:15 p.m.
Where?  Shade Park
This is pub trivia– your team will answer questions about the latest Barbie Movie.  Contestants of all ages are welcome: kids, adults, and those in between. Having kids on your team may be an advantage, but watching the movie many times will definitely help!  You can get food & drinks inside, so make it a party! Check-in starts at 6 p.m.  Plan to arrive on time, since there is limited space available!     

Circus Animal Imitation

Who Can Enter?   Open to all fairgoers
When? Aug. 7 – 2:30 p.m.
Where?  Kids Area Stage
Contestants may choose to imitate the circus animal of their choice. Imitations should be primarily sound (no leaping around the stage).  Contestants will be divided into categories at the start of the contest. The size and type of categories will depend upon the number of entries and the number of different types of imitations. Sign up at the stage on the day of the contest, no later than 5 minutes before the start.

Circus Quick-Change Race

Who Can Enter?   Open to all fairgoers
When? Aug. 6 – 6 p.m. •  Aug. 9 – 6 p.m.
Where?  To Be Determined
In smaller circuses, and in smaller theater companies, each performer may have to play more than one part. That means they have to be ready to change their costume as fast as possible.  In this contest, we divide contestants into relay teams. Each contestant will get a chance to run a short distance, pull a circus costume over their clothes, run a little more, and take the costume off. All at top speed! Come prepared to have a good time. Sign up at the stage on the day of the contest, no later than 5 minutes before the start. The location hasn’t been determined yet. So check the daily schedule when you arrive.

Bubblegum Bubble BlowingBUBBLE GUM CONTEST

Who Can Enter?   Open to all fairgoers
When?   Aug. 1 – 1 p.m. • Aug. 5 – 3:30 p.m. • Aug. 6 – 2:30 p.m..
Where?  Barnyard Stage
Adults and kids are encouraged to enter this contest. The Fair will provide each contestant with one piece of bubblegum. Contestants must use gum supplied by the Fair. We use Bubble Yum regular flavor pink gum. All contestants will begin chewing their gum at approximately the same time. Contestants will compete in heats, with each contestant blowing no more than three bubbles.  Winners from each heat will come back at the end of the contest to blow three more bubbles in the finals. Contestants will use the same piece of gum for the entire competition. The decisions of the announcer are final. Sign up no later than 5 minutes before the contest.

Butter Sculpture

Who Can Enter? Open to all fairgoers ages 5 & up
When? Aug. 4 – 6:30 p.m.
Where?   Check Schedule When You Arrive at Fair
The Fair and Clover-Sonoma will provide each contestant with a plastic knife and a one-pound block of butter. Contestants will have no more than 20 minutes to create a work of art. Contestants must only the tools and supplies provided by the Fair. This is not a team event – each contestant much create their entry independently. There is a limit of 40 contestants fr this event. Sign up by
Diaper Derby
Who Can Enter?  Open to all fairgoers under 12 months of age as of 8/4/24.
What Can You Win?
$25 Savings Bond for winner
Ribbons & Hats for all contestants
When?  Sunday, Aug. 4 – 4:15 p.m.
Where?  Kids Area
The object is to cross the finish line by crawling faster than the other contestants. Each baby needs to people in their crew; one at the starting line, and one at the finish line to urge them on. Parents and other spectators will not be allowed to help the babies. Parents may use a bottle or toy to coax their baby to crawl to them but may not step between the starting line and the finish line during the Derby. If any of the babies stand up or walk during the Derby, they will be disqualified (in the nicest possible way). Breaking of any rule by their accompanying crew will disqualify the contestant. We want this to be a fun experience for the babies, so we ask that everyone remember this is just a fun event. Let’s let the babies have a good time!
To sign up, register at the Kids Area by 4 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 4.

Family Look-Alike Contest

Who Can Enter?  Open to all fairgoers
When?  Aug. 4 – 2:45 p.m.
Where? Barnyard Stage
Do you look just like your dad or your mom?  Do you and your siblings look alike?  This may be your chance to make that pay off. Our judges (the audience) will be looking for contestants who look the most alike. Contestants may enter in one or more of the following categories: father/son, mother/daughter, cousins, brother/brother, sister/sister or sister/brother. Contestants are encouraged to dress alike if they think it will help their chances. Sign up at the stage no later than 5 minutes before the contest.

Grape Spitting Contest

Who Can Enter? Open to all fairgoers
When? Aug. 6 – 2:45 p.m.
Where? BackDoor Stage
 The object is to spit the grape in a more-or-less straight line for the longest distance. The contest is open to spitters of all ages. Prizes will be awarded for the greatest distance a grape travels. In other words, you spit your grape from one side of the stage to the other, and we measure how far it goes.  Each contestant will choose a grape from the bowl of grapes on stage, step up to the line (on stage) and spit. The distance from the spitter to the first time the grape lands is the official distance. After all contestants have spit their grapes, awards will be given out to winners in each age category. Sign up at the stage no later than 5 minutes before the contest.

World Championship Grape STOMP

Yes!  You Can Stomp Grapes!
This year’s World Champs will win $1,000!
Saturday, Aug. 10:  3:30, 6:00, 7:45 p.m.
Sunday, Aug. 11: 3:30 (age 12 & under), 6 p.m.
WORLD FINALS: AUG. 11 AT 7:15 p.m.
Yes, you can Stomp!  This is a team event.  For a full description of the Grape Stomp, go to the Grape Stomp Page.
Each team consists of one stomper and one swabbie. The stomper stands in the barrel and flattens the grapes. The swabby stands below the barrel and catches the juice. All ages are welcome; there’s even a Stomp reserved just for those 12 years old and under  (3:30 on August 11). Kids can compete in any stomp, but the Kids Stomp is reserved just for them. If you are 4 years old and want your dad to be your partner, you will compete in an Open Stomp. If you compete with your twin sister (also age 4), you can be in the Kids Stomp on August 11. There are no ages limits (upper or lower) for grape stompers, so kids are welcome. You can’t take your mom, or anyone else, into the stomping area with you.  But the stomp crew will be happy to assist the youngest grape stompers, so if you need help getting into the barrel, we will take care of you!
The winning team from each preliminary stomp will be entered in the World Championship Finals to compete for the $1,000 prize on Sunday, Aug. 11 at 7:15 p.m. 
This is the only contest with an entry fee. It is $40 for a team of two. Each team member receives a commemorative t-shirt, and if you sign up before by August 7, you get two complimentary general admissions.  Winners of the preliminary stomps go on to the World Championship finals on Sunday, August 11 at 7:15 p.m. First prize for the 2024 World Champion Grape Stomp Team is $1,000.00. All finalists will get a beautiful basket of treats.

Hula Hoop Contest

Who Can Enter? Open to all fairgoers
When? Aug. 5 – 2 p.m.
Where? Kids Area
Contestants must use Fair-supplied hula hoops to compete in one (or both) categories. In the Hula Hoop Marathon, the contest is to see who can keep their hoop spinning around their torso the longest without dropping the hoop. In the novelty category, contestants can perform with as many hula hoops as they choose-the more the better! All ages welcome. Sign up no later than 5 minutes before the contest.

Join the Daily Fair Parade!

Who Can Participate? Open to all fairgoers
When? Aug. 1 to 11 – 4:45 p.m.
Where? Next to Family Fun Stage
Music, mini floats and kids in costume are just the start! You can be a part of our rhythm band, carry a flag, wear a costume, pull a mini-float, dress up, or just march along. A few lucky parade volunteers can ride in our mini circus wagons, if they can get an adult to pull the wagon!  Tall people can operate giant parade puppets and the not-so-tall can wear inflatable clown & dinosaur costumes entertainers. The parade route is short, about 15 minutes. The parade starts and ends next to the Family Fun Stage. All participants get a ribbon & a treat after the parade.

Jump Rope Contest

Who Can Enter? Open to all fairgoers
When? July 27 – 1:30 p.m. • Aug. 4 – 1:30 p.m.
Where? Kids Area
Contestants must use Fair-supplied jump ropes to compete in two categories. In the speed category, each contestant will try to get the most jumps in a ten second period. In the Jump Rope Marathon, the contest is to see who can jump the longest without a miss. Sign up at the Kids Area no later than 5 minutes before the contest.

LEGO Construction Contest

Who Can Enter? Open to all fairgoers; divisions for adults and kids
When?  Aug. 3 – 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Where?    Shade Park
We provide the LEGOs, you create a masterpiece. We have hundreds of pounds of LEGOS, and you can use as many as you need to. Contestants may spend as much time as they want on their entry, but all work must be done during the contest time using only materials provided by the Fair. After completion, entries will go on display until the judging begins. Judges’ decisions will be no later than one hour after the conclusion of the contest.  If the winners are not present, their prizes will be mailed.  This is an individual competition – each person may create one entry. Team entries are not acceptable, and no one may help with another entry. To take part in this contest, go to Shade Park between 12:30 and 3:30 p.m. on Aug. 3.

Make A Rainbow

Who Can Enter?   Open to all fairgoers
When? Aug. 8 – 2-4 p.m.
Where?  Shade Park
Celebrate ‘Out at the Fair’ by creating a rainbow work of art! We provide all kinds of crafting supplies and markers in every color of the rainbow, and you get creative. Come and craft between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. in Shade Park.  Look for the crafting tables decorated with rainbows!
Milk Moustache Contest
Who Can Enter? Kids, age 12 & under*
When? July 1 – 2:30 p.m. • Aug. 3 – 2:15 p.m.
Where? Kids Area
Each contestant will be given a half-cup of whole milk. [Contestants will have a choice of chocolate or white milk.] Contestants have two minutes to make a milk moustache. A mirror will be provided for contestants’ use. Contestants who spill undue amounts of milk on the stage will be disqualified. Sign up at the Kids Area no later than 5 minutes before the contest.
*There is no lower age limit for this contest, but all contestants must go up on the stage by themselves (without help from their parents).

Rock’em Sock’em Robots Tournament

Who Can Enter? Open to all fairgoers
When? Aug. 5 – 1:30 p.m.
Where?  Shade Park
Each player will take the part of Red Rocker or Blue Bomber as they play Rock’em Sock’em Robots, the classic game from 1966 in which the battling robots try to knock each other's blocks off. (Actually, it’s a pair of plastic robots manipulated by a hand-held controller.) This isn’t complicated, so you don’t really need to have any experience to do well. Small children have been known to beat adults at this game, so come ready to demonstrate your sense of humor.
The object of the game is to keep your robot in one piece while bringing down your opponent. In this tournament, contestants will have to do just that – over and over again. In the early rounds, contestants will be paired with players of similar ages. The winners in the first round of games will play again in the next round. This will continue until we have our winners. If you enter this contest, you can expect to face players of different ages as you advance in competition. Age and physical ability don’t have a lot to do with results in this contest, so everyone has a chance to win!  We provide everything you need, so come prepared to play. Sign up at least five minutes before the tournament begins.

Scarecrow Building Contest

Who Can Enter? Open to all fairgoers
When? Every day at the Fair at 1 p.m.
Where? Olive Grove in Front of Saralee & Richard’s Barn
Teams of contestants will be given a scarecrow frame and an assortment of scarecrow clothes and accessories. Using these (and as much straw as you need) you will construct a scarecrow. The scarecrows will be spending the day in Sweet Lil;’s Farmery, so plant to make a traditional down-home scarecrow. You must use materials provided by the Fair. Scarecrows must be completed within the 20-minute deadline. Judging will be done by a panel of independent experts and group prizes will be awarded. Scarecrows will remain on display all day long. To enter, bring your team to the Olive Grove in front of  Sweet Lil’s Farmery  and sign up by noon. There is a limit of eight teams each day, so arrive early.

Scarecrow UN-Building

Who Can Enter?  Open to all fairgoers
When?  Aug. 2-3-4 & 9-10 at 7 p.m.
Aug. 11 at 5 p.m.
Where? Olive Grove in front of Richard & Saralee’s Barn
This is a contest where you can use all your ‘clean up your room’ skills. Teams of contestants (we will find you a team if you come alone) will dismantle a scarecrow. Each team will 1) remove clothes and straw from a scarecrow, 2) shake and fold clothes, 3) pile up straw and return it to the bag.  Prizes will be awarded to the quickest (and neatest) team. Sign up at the Barnyard Stage by 6:15 p.m.


Who Can Enter? Open to all fairgoers
When? Aug.2 – 6:30 p.m. •  Aug. 5 – 2:45 p.m. •  Aug. 6 – 6 p.m. 
Where?  Barnyard Stage
Screaming just seems to go with the Fair. People scream on the roller coaster, they scream at the racetrack, and kids are always screaming at their parents.  And because not everyone can scream, we’ve added a new category: roaring!  Before the contest begins, each contestant must decide if they want to scream or roar. Prizes will be awarded to the best screamers and roarers. with special prizes awarded to the loudest, most piercing screams. This contest will be judged by the audience. The decisions of the announcer are final. Sign up at the stage no later than 5 minutes before the contest.

Stroller Races

Who Can Enter?  Open to all fairgoers
When?  Aug. 1 – 3 p.m. •  Aug. 7 – 7:15 p. m.
Where? Kids Area
The Fair will provide strollers for all contestants. Stuffies will be provided to ride in the strollers. Contestants must push the stroller around the course.  Racers will compete in heats on an asphalt course. There will be special divisions for those fairgoers who normally ride in strollers. This is usually a contest for kids, but if we have enough adults, we will add an adult division. Sign up at the Kids Area no later than 5 minutes before the contest.



Contest Tips! Plan to arrive at least 5 minutes before the start for most contests. Some contests have limits, but others  are open to all who show up on time. For many contests, you can't enter if you arrive after we start. You will be asked to fill out a card for each contest you enter. If you want to save time, think about bringing address labels from home!

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By becoming a sponsor, your business will:

Reach Thousands: Over 300,000 attendees throughout the fair's duration.

Prominent Visibility: High-impact branding opportunities across print, digital, and on-site platforms.

Community Engagement: Showcase your support for a cherished community event.

Tailored Packages: Custom sponsorship levels to suit your marketing goals and budget.

If you would like to learn more, please call the Fairgrounds at 

(707) 545-4200 or email us.